Monday, July 04, 2005

Independence Day

Today we celebrate our nation's independence. Before September 11, 2001, I think people kind of took this day for granted. I think that there is a renewed pride in being a free country after that fateful day. Now we are 4 years from 9/11/01. My prayer is that we don't forget what it means to be a nation that is free.

My son and I spent 7 hours downtown today. We took in a Nationals game, they lost, but we had fun. We went to my husband's restaurant with friends and ate dinner. We were going to stay for the fireworks but my husband had been at the restaurant since 6 a.m. and was very tired. We have already done the downtown DC fireworks experience, so it was no big deal. As we were driving back home, people were pulling off and lining the highway with their cars to get a prime location to watch the fireworks. I do hope that we, as a nation, remember what it means to be free. To also remember that freedom has it's price and it is a high one. Men and women put their lives on the line for you....and they didn't even know you and they did it anyway because of what it means to be free.

We have men and women right now in hostile territory defending and protecting our freedom. Whether you agree of not, you can't argue the point that those men and women are doing it becuase they LOVE freedom and understand how important it is. They look at "americans" and say, "I dont know you but you are worth it". They go and fight for you. Some of them die for you and your right to burn a flag or curse what they do.

There is someone else who has done the same for you. He does know you and said that despite all your faults, you are worth it. He put himself through the most horrific agony that any person could experience. He died for you. He was innocent of any wrong. He was tried and found guilty. He was innocent, he only loved you.

That is our true independence day. He died and 3 days later beat death to rise again. To show us that we also can die and rise again a new person. Jesus Christ took our sins and had them nailed to the cross thru his hands and feet. I believe (there is nothing in the Bible that proves this, it is just a nice thought) that because he is God that he could see you and me and say that we are worth it.

He paid a debt that we owed and we are forgiven of that debt. That is our Independence! We can choose to accept it or not. We are set free through Christ's death so that we can live forever with God in Heaven! How awesome is that?!!! I am free! Only I remember my faults. Not God. He has already paid for them! They are gone to him. I am free!

I bet there will be mad, awesome fireworks in heaven! WHat do you think?