Saturday, August 16, 2008

Change is good

My friend Mindy just posted about change! You can find her over on the left under "Team Bedard". I love change to! My furniture tends to get rearranged at least once a year! Well since Suz moved out, I have dying to do something with our basement. 
Over the summer Chelsea has taken some GREAT black and white photos. Worthy of framing...sooooo....I got them blown up and framed....hence the inspiration for our basement! I already have one Ansel Adams we have our own budding Ansel Adams.

My MIL came this week too and she and hte kids cleaned out and the back of my Expedition is PACKED full of stuff to take to Salvation Army or the used book store. Thanks Pat for all your hard work! I love to simplify!

I wish I had before pics but I didn't think about it until we were done. But the walls were a blue kind of like the curtains you see it was dark. We wanted to lighten it up. Teh bathroom was an eggplant purple...I know..I don't know what I was thinking....Sooo now they walls are Almond Chip and Lime Curl!

 So here's the after. I am in the process of getting frames for the final 4 pictures--2 to go by the entertainment center and 2 more to go on the green wall. I am also looking for denim slipcovers for the loveseat and chair. Anyone know where I can get relatively inexpensive slipcovers in denim?