The Sergio Family has had a little reality hit them in the face over the past week. As some of you may know, Jay's dad passed away in 2004 at the age of 58. Jay's grandfather on his father's side had passed away at the age of 60. They both died of cancer. So since Jay's dad died, I have been trying to get him to go to the dr. and get some tests run because, well, the cancer gene in the male Sergio's seems to be a strong one. Now mind you, Jay has NOT been feeling bad at all but nonetheless, I want him to go and get these tests run--a baseline if you will for the future tests. Several years ago Jay had precancerous skin removed and he goes back often to continue to check out that nothing is growing that shouldn't be.
We got the name of a GREAT gastrointerologist (sp?) and set up the appointments and Jay finally went! He was well..."roto-rooted" from both ends and samples and tests were run. When Jay had the upper endoscopy done and he woke up from his wonderful oblivion, the dr. looked at him and said "Have you been feeling ok?" "No heartburn?" "No acid reflux?"--Jay answered "No". The dr then informed Jay that his esophagus looks like someone has taken razor blades to is just waiting for the cancer to form.
He's 38!!!! No symptoms! It's all in the genes. So now we are fighting with our insurance to pay for the level 4 medication that he needs to repair his esophagus, so that cancer does not form. Jay got very angry the other day with them and said...which is cheaper? Paying for the meds I need to repair my esophagus or curing my cancer?
Can you believe that they are fighting to have to pay for it? They wnat him to be on a med that is not so, they are not drs. they pay for the diagnosis!
So we were just cruising along in life, thinking everything is great and hunky dory. Not a care in the world! Then WHAM! Reality hits.
So people...I strongly encourage you to go get those tests done. I am going in July for all the womanly stuff...I know--TMI!! But this has convinced me! Man! being almost 40 is rough!
Jay is now trying to convince his brother to do the same. I have told my kids that they will get the same tests done when they are in their 20's before they are off our insurance. You just can't be too careful.