Thursday, January 17, 2008


I am not a believer in "new year's resolutions". Why because I don't stick to them. Instead, I believe in life style changes.

My 3 that God has completely convicted me about it:

1. a deeper, daily relationship with Him
2. my weight
3. our finances

So far, so good.....

1. reading my bible almost everyday (I started with Proverbs and James) and then spend about 3 minutes in prayer.
2. down 9 lbs.
3.saying "no" to eating out and other non-necessities. I am clipping coupons again!

But isn't it always like this...I start to make those changes and WHAM! Our dryer starts to go on the fritz! I can only dry one towel at a time on ex low heat. I can only dry about anything one at a time on extra low heat! But I have not built up our "emergency fund" yet to $1000, so we are going to bite the bullet and deal. I am not putting it on credit, we are just dealing!

So life changes are hard and Satan doesn't want you to get your life right. What life changes could you make? I will pray for you in your quest to getting your life right!


Katherine said...

Just when you start making progress, Murphy attacks! I feel your pain -- every time we really start making headway financially, the same thing happens. Just remember -- Satan wouldn't be messing with you unless you were doing something he didn't like!! :)
Hang in there!

Tanya said...

Go Ellyn! Good for you. Sorry to hear about the dryer, though. No fun! Our van has been in the garage for a week now. It won't start. So, we are "just dealing" for now being a one working vehicle family until we have the time to get the van fixed/towed. That's life for yah! I'm just thankful that we have one working vehicle!!

I started reading my Bible daily, too until last week - ugh! The kids were all sick last week which messed me up a little. I hope to get back on track, though. My Bible is sitting on my night stand where it is visible for me to see. I would also like to start exercising on a regular basis. I have NOT been motivated to do so yet. I used my Target giftcard to buy a mini stepper (instead of new clothes!) but it is still in the box. I think Abby is more excited about using it then I am :)

Yeah for clipping coupons!! As you know, I'm a coupon girl. It really does help us out a lot!!

Suzanne said...

I am proud of you for dealing with it. I can deal with it too! :)
