Tuesday, February 20, 2007

please disregard

It has come to my attention today that there are some horrible lies being circulated amongst our "brotherhood" as to things happening at the Fairfax Church of Christ.

If you hear anything...please ask me because everything I have heard is 100% false. Unfortunately there is a person/people who attend Fairfax who are spreading lies and being decietful. I don't know who they are and I don't want to know who they are.

It makes me sad that someone/ones feel the need to be so mean and sinful.

I know I have not posted in a long time. Things here have gotten real crazy. Right now I am not in the mood to post....well I want to post about things regarding the lies I have heard but that would not do any good and bring any glory to God, so I won't.

So until my anger about the situation passes, I need to keep quiet.

Few things--
Thanks Jonathan and Tanya and kids for seeing us in the bitter cold as we came back from Winterfest! I so much enjoyed my cherry limeade!!!

Winterfest was great! Love the trip!

Chelsea is a legal licensed driver now! Yikes!

Due to extreme water damage--we have to gut the kids' bathroom down to the studs and redo the bathroom! UGH!!!

More later!


Tanya said...

It was so fun getting to see you and the kids. What a special treat! Glad you had a fun trip to Winterfest.

WOW! Chelsea is driving!! Unbelievable!

erinlo said...

I can NOT imagine anyone saying anything but WONDERFUL things about Fairfax. They must be out of their minds!!!! Sad for them. "Blessed are those who are persecuted." I am a proud alumni of Fairfax and think ya'll must be doing something right. Praying for you, Ellyn.