Thursday, March 01, 2007

i am not silent--yeah right Ellyn

for some unknown reason...i can not leave comments on other people's blogs.....i switched over to the new blogger and well....not i can not here's some making up some time!

Ramona--YEAH for a boy!

Tanya--love Abby's haircut! Tell her Ellyn got her's cut short too! and enjoy it while you can that they think the "s" word is stupid! Reality hits all too quickly!

Malia--you post too quickly to comment! You make my head spin but I enjoy reading it!

Kelli--thanks for the email and Rachel is just growing so quickly! She is SOOOOO cute!

Erin--may you see the beauty in life through the recent tragedies that you have been through. God is using you in great ways. You have always been a person that I can see Him shining through you! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful thing.

Em--I printed off the pictures you took of Sweetpea and Boo-boo and hung them in my office! You have a gift! AND the ONLY way to eat pancakes in my humble opinion is with peanut butter and syrup!

That is about all I have sort of kept up with!


Malia said...

You know you're just jealous of my mad blogging skillz!

p.s. - your new template reminds me of Barney ;-) what is this color? eggplant? plum? aubergine?


Emily Gray said...

thanks Ellyn!