Thursday, December 14, 2006

It's about more than this....

Monday, December 11, 2006. My friend Sarah, went home to be with God.

I know that many of you reading this already know that. Thank you to those who have said that you were checking my blog to see what I would post about her.

I don't know what I could say that would do her justice. She was simply amazing!
I miss her dearly. I see her children almost everyday and it is all I can do to not be completely sad.

Her children are amazing smaller versions of Sarah. Hannah is so full of life! She sees things in a positive light. She doesn't really understand why people are sad and want her to be sad about her mom being gone. One night Hannah looked at me and said "Miss Ellyn, my mom is in heaven and I can't be sad about that!" Hannah sang a solo at our Christmas production called "Light of Jesus Shine forever in our Hearts"! It was like Sarah was talking to us! The words were exactly what Sarah would say.

Sarah left a lasting legacy on all those who knew her. I was blessed enough to have several wonderful conversations with her before the cancer consumed her body. She told me that she wasn't going to ask why she had cancer but instead that if her having cancer is what it took for someone to have a real and personal relationship with God, then she looks at God and says "Bring it on!" My daughter was able to be a part of that conversation and it was an amazing gift given to Chelsea and myself!

Sarah also told me that she didn't want people to look at her and say "Sarah sure is brave!" "Look at how Sarah is handling this". She said "I want people to look at me and give God the glory. " She knew that her life was about more than her physical body. She knew that God could let her die. People would say to her, "God won't let you die becuase....." and she would respond, "No God could let me die and I have to be ok with that." She was not afraid of dying. She wanted to see her kids grow up and asked God if that would be possible but would accept whatever answer He gave her.

People don't understand why she is gone. Why her husband only had 13 years with her and her children had less than 10 years with her. As I hear the stories of how God is working through Sarah even now, I understand as much as my human mind will let me.

*A man who was angry with God and stopped going to church so very long ago, showed up at church on Sunday because of Sarah (or what God did through her life).

*People who didn't pray, are now praying.
*People who lost touch with Sarah, found her and her faith again.
*People are professing the love of Christ boldly and unashamed.
*1200 people gathered to honor her life and worship the Lord, who gives and takes away.
*People are calling and asking to meet with Bruce to understand this God who Sarah loved so much that she was willing to die, so that He be glorified.

Chelsea said "you know mom, we look for ways to pack the church on a Sunday. Miss Sarah lived her life with purpose and boldness and was standing room only! All those people got to hear how much God loves them and how much Sarah wanted them to love God! Way to go Miss Sarah! Way to go!"

As a Christian our life is about more than our physical body. We are blessed beyond imagination!
It is time to live with purpose. It is time to be bold about our faith. We only have this one life to make a difference.

I do ask that you continue to pray for Scott and the children. Pray for God's protective hedge around them while they learn to live without Sarah.

To Sarah, I say--I miss you but I know that we will see each other again someday! Until then, may I be as bold and faithful as you were. Thank you for the life you lead. I love you.

1 comment:

Malia said...

I'm glad you got a chance to write about all this. I've been thinking a lot about you since the 11th. I didn't know Sarah, but it's been incredibly inspiring reading all that everyone has had to say about her. You were very blessed to be able to call her your friend.