Friday, December 01, 2006

6 weird things about me

Alright Java and fellow bloggers--I am at work and well apparently the Lord has lightened my load today because I can blog about weird things about me! Java, I always knew that we were somehow connected...we have several things in common. Several of your weird things made me smile cause I am like that too...

1. I listen to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving and I sing loudly and jubilantly. I need an ipod and an ipod trip so that I can put it on random and sing all the way to work!

2. I talk to myself in the car. When I have a lot on my mind. I talk it thru out loud! In fact there is a certain member of our church who works for a certain secret agency and he "tailed" me for about 5 miles and I never noticed and his comment was--you sure do talk alot in the car!

3. Sorry Java, but I also pretend like my life is like a t.v. show!!! I have done it since I was a child! I have always wanted to be someone else! I am now mature and can accept who God has made me and find happiness in that but sometimes when noone is looking.....

4. I hang my shirts in my closets from sleeveless to long sleeve. Jay however does not hang up my shirts that way and I spend countless minutes rearranging instead of leaving it alone...does it really matter?! Well yes, yes it does--for me.

5. I finish almost every sentence with "I know--right?" or "does that make sense?"

6. I love to play video games! Not like Madden '06 or anything but like Spyro....I am pretty good!

Ok so now that there has been some good 'ole confession from me, I need 5 people to join.....Jill, Emily, Tanya, Ramona, and......Murray/Jaime.

Happy friday!


Sign2Jill said...

Wow...thanks for tagging me again. I don't know if I can come with six more!

Hmmm...I have a light load today too.

Ellyn said...

Sorry--since you have been tagged already...youd on't have to do it again...unless you have lots of weird things about you...i.e. your hubby!!!

Jill said...

ellyn, i also organize my closet that way! does that make us weird?! :)

Ellyn said...

no it makes us organized and efficient! easier to find things!