Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Idol Chatter

Did ya see the Idol? American Idol that is. I don't know if I have ever laughed so much at the auditions.

Is it me or were the trio harsher than normal? Not sure why Jewel was didn't seem to add or take away from the episode.

So the questions of the day are--

Do you think some of the auditions are staged?

Who do you think was the best?

Who was the worst?

Who should of made it thru and who shouldn't have?

Ellyn Sergio--Peace out!


Tanya said...

Yes, we watched! The kids got to stay up with me on Tuesday night to watch with me but we couldn't tell them that it was on last night since it was already a late night with church. Jonathan and I watched last night and giggled a lot! It seems like Randy is a little harsher this year?? And yes I do think that some of the auditions are staged!!

I heart American Idol!!

Sign2Jill said...

Well, the worst was definitely the mother and daughter wearing the bright red lipstick!

I kinda felt bad for the kid with the juggling sticks.

And the computer software guy? I was so embarassed for him!

As for best, I've got my eye on the girl who identified herself as a "crack baby".

P.S. Sam laughed the entire time we watched the shows! That in itself, makes them entertaining to watch!

Ramona said...

We watched too. It's funny how hard James was laughing at some of them. He kind of weans off of it once they are done with the goofballs, but I plan to stick with it. I'm not sure they are staged, but I think part of the initial screening is to find the really bad but entertaining ones. I liked the one Jill mentioned too, and I liked the brother and sister whose dad was a musician from India. There were too many to choose from for picking the worst. I don't remember ever thinking that the judges made a bad choice. Oh, I just remembered. I really liked the girl in camo who was in the Reserves. And I liked the Navy guy too. That was neat.