Friday, April 13, 2007

And the Oscar goes to?

Jay and I are we are watching all the Oscar nominated movies now that they are on DVD/payperview. I think I would like to ask "The Academy"...what in the world constitutes Oscar worthy movies?

So far we have seen The Departed, Little Miss Sunshine and Babel.....

My opinion is.....

1. The Departed--it was ok. Out of the 3 we have seen, I guess I like this one the best. It had a good story line, good character development, but the ending was depressing!

2. Little Miss Sunshine--it was alright. I was very disturbed by the language of the teenage son. I just kept thinking...."his mom and dad let him talk that way for the movie and hear the things said to him by the grandfather...." It was disturbing to me.

3. Babel--um what?!!! I thought it was slow, long, boring, and anti-climatic. If you have seen the move from a few years ago called "Traffic" with Michael Douglas then this seems very similar to me.

Now the Pursuit of Happyness--there was a GREAT movie!!!But alas, not nominated. Excellent story--uplifting. LIfe can be depressing enough, why do I want to go pay people to watch their 2 hours of unhappiness?

I don't know that I will see the Iwo Jima movie or the Queen. Not unless someone can give me several good reasons to go.

I have seen Premonition in the theatres--I kind of liked it. I took the kids to several movies over Spring Break. Wild Hogs was cute. Blades of Glory--didn't actually see but it was dumb. I still would like to see Breach.

There are a few movies coming out that I would like to see.
What did you think of these movies?


Emily Gray said...

breach was excellent! I am going to see blades of glory tonight.... :) how do you know it was dumb if you haven't even seen it?? hmmm...???
whatever. I'm sure it's ridiculously dumb. that is why we're going to see it tonight.

Shayna Willis said...

Blades of Glory was dumb, but such a good escape. Breach was excellent. And The Queen was phenomenal. You should see it. I also hated Babel. Bleh.

Tanya said...

Loved Wild Hogs :) Mostly because I heart John Travolta!! I really want to see Little Miss Sunshine but have not had the opportunity to do so yet.

What did you think about the movie Elizabethtown? :)

Ellyn said...

Now Tanya loved the movie Elizabethtown--so did Chelsea.

I, however, did not care for it too much. I just thought it didn't flow.

Ellyn said...

Em-I know Blades of Glory was dumb becuase of having Will Ferrell and Jon Heder in it. It might be a funny dumb but dumb nonetheless. Alex who likes all things in relation to body function and body noises, said that it was dumb.

I loved Will Ferrell in Elf and Stranger than Fiction but Talledega Nights---OY!

Just so you all know--our family is an "Office" and "Friends" kind of watching family. That is the kind of humor we tend to like and chuckle at.

So take my opinons for whatever it is worth to make any decisions about t.v. and movies....

Malia said...

Tanya asked me my opinion of Elizabethtown this weekend and I'm with you on it. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it either. You're right about how it didn't quite "flow".

FWIW, I liked Little Miss Sunshine. I thought the storyline became quite tedious in the middle with all the things that kept happening to the family and that it was quite a stretch that they made it to the competion "on time". But the whole ending with the family pulling together for the little girl and supporting her actually brought tears to my eyes.

David said that Babel was like Traffic and I had a hard time watching Traffic, so I think I'll skip it.

I do want to see The Queen just 'cause I tend to like movies like that.