Monday, April 16, 2007

It's a sad day

I am sure by now that you have heard about the tragedy that happened at Virginia Tech.

My brother, sister-in-law and their sweet children all live there. We have several children of Fairfax members who attend VA Tech. All are physically fine.

I would like to impart some things I learned over the 9/11 tragedy and the death of my father-in-law. Please pray for the families affected by this horrible event.

I know that this seems overwhelming and senseless.

Remember that what you are feeling is normal. There is no hand book on how to handle something like this.

Take some time to do something "normal". If need be go to McDonald's and order a big mac.

Turn off the t.v. for a while.

Do not watch the t.v. with the kids in the room.

Remember to be talk to your kids on their level about what happened. Remind them that they are safe, that God loves them and you. Pray with them for the families and individuals involved. IF they ask--remind them that God gives us free will to make choices and sometimes people are so sad and upset that they make bad choices.

A situation like this can be horribly overwhelming and that is a normal feeling. Don't try to make sense of this right now.

Ask God for peace and wisdom to deal with this.

This is just another sad reminder that this world is not our home. Unfortunately Satan's reign is strong here on earth.

I love you all.

1 comment:

erinlo said...

Great advice, Ellyn. You are so so wise. I'm sorry for what the folks in Blacksburg are going through right now. It's just so hard to comprehend!!! I've been praying for Tanya and her family all day.