Tuesday, May 29, 2007


New floor is in! I LOVE IT!!!! We laid Pergo Naturals in the shade of heartwood oak! It looks like a cottage floor! Rustic looking--perfect for me! Alex learned how to use Jay's power mitre saw! Now he is wanting us to do all kinds of home improvement projects becuase he can saw! We created a monster!!! So Jay and Alex sawed and hammered and grunted and scratched while Chelsea nad I measured and laid the floor and made sure we had the perfect 1/4 inch perimeter. Now it is up to Jay and Alex to lay the quarter round and the trim!

I have a lot I could say about cindy Sheehan--the vrey vocal woman about the war in Iraq since her son died--but I won't. I feel awful for her. I feel awful for her family. Everything about that situation is just sad.

If there is one thing I have learned over the last 6 months, it is that you can't judge becuase you ahve nto walked in their shoes. I knwo what I think I would have done if I were in that situation but truth is I don't really know what I would do.

Rosie and Elizabeth--again, I won't say much but I feel very sorry for Rosie. I don't think She is a happy woman. She seems very angry. I used to LOVE Rosie's show when she had her own talk show. Then it got pretty negative and she got negative. I just feel sad that she is wasting so much life being angry. Life's too short.

What not to wear--new favorite show! Getting good tips--love, love, love that they pick people with all kinds of bodies types. So now when I shop, I am an informed customer--can't afford $5000 wardrobe--me and Eddie Bauer outlet are bff's though!


Ramona said...

Your floor sounds great - you won me over with the word cottage! Looking forward to seeing it.

I love What Not to Wear too. I miss A Makeover Story, but that's okay.

I'm not really up on the Cindy S. story or whatever is happening with Rosy and Elizabeth. Maybe that's best :).

See you in the morning :)!

Unknown said...

My sweet soul sister! I can't wait to see you next month!
Just another thing we have in common, We watch What Not to Wear! My favorite latenight show. Love ya!