Thursday, November 01, 2007

Not so sure about this

There is this product out on the market for women. It promotes "fewer periods for women". They state that women don't need to have a period every month.

I am not so sure about this. Our bodies are made to do this. It is part of being a woman. I think we can blame Eve for all the "joy" we get every 28-32 days.

Doctors say it is safe. I know that some of my friends are on this medication due to complications they have every month. So I can understand that reasoning but to promote it to women who are totally fine...I am not so sure about.

I think it is like playing "God" a little bit. The Jury is still out on a full fledge decision but I am curious as to what you all think about it. I have read websites and medical sites. What do you think?


Emily Gray said...

I totally agree with you! I've always thought this sounded shady.. and for the very reasons you stated. It seems to me that if we mess with these kinds of things - like the way we are made - we will only run into other problems down the road.

Katherine said...

I totally agree with your reasoning, but if we REALLY followed that logic, most of us would either be pregnant or nursing for most of our "fertile" lives. So, we wouldn't be having so many empty cycles, you know? So, while our bodies WERE made to do that every month, historically, women haven't had nearly so many cycles as women today do.
Just my thoughts.

Shayna Willis said...

Plus, I think we either use birth control or we don't. If we use we're playing God whether our period comes once a month or three times a year.

LB said...

I took Depo shots and didn't have a period for like 3 years. I swear that is why I am so messed up now. It was nice then but I figure your body has to get rid of those eggs eventually so your body may just end up delaying menopause until they are all gone. If we keep it up women will start menopause in there 70's.

Jill said...

i was going to make a comment about birth control, but realize that shayna and katherine already said what i was going to say! i wouldn't want to take that medicine though :).

Ellyn said...

I totally understand the whole taking birth control argument. I don't believe we are playing God by taking birth control. I do believe it is responsible to take birth control if you don't want to have children until you would like to have children. For whatever reason, I don't think that is playing God. You are not controling your body to do something it is not suppose to do. You still have periods on birth control once a month. Having said that, I also can understand the fundalmentist side too. I was just trying to state that our bodies are made to cycle through once a month. Not every 3 months. I am not sure that I have found any positive medical benefits in my research of this. I do have friends whose bodies don't do what they are suppose to do and so they do take this new drug to help them. Just so you all know, I am not a big pill popper person. I take things in caution. I believe as a society we tend to do things more for the convience than for the actual benefit. I do it too! I am talking about myself when I speak. I am not pointing fingers. I do plan to talk to my most amazing GYN the next time I see her, about this.

I just don't understand why they are advertising this to women for women who don't have any medical issues. This kind of info is now being bombarded into my teenage daughter's head. We have talked about it just like she and I have talked and come to a decision about the HPV vaccine.

I just found it interesting that in one hour of t.v. I saw the ad 4 times.

Thanks for you feedback! I liked hearing what you all think!

Jacque said...

Yeah, I understand what some of the others are saying, but someting about stopping the cycle all together makes me uncomfortable. Not the right birth control for me. But considering what Katherine said, I'm really glad methods of birth control are acceptable now because I really wouldn't want to be pregnant all the time. And I know I haven't been pregnant yet, but I think you know what I mean regardless!

Katherine said...

'cause you know me -- can't leave well enough alone. When you're on birth control pills (most of them anyway), you don't REALLY have a period every month. Technically, if you're not ovulating, what is happening is "breakthrough bleeding" so although you bleed once a month, it's not a true cycle. The only reason pill manufacturers did the "28" day cycle thing originally is because breakthrough bleeding is going to happen when you mess with your body's natural cycle, and it made more sense to just let it happen with a frequency that most women were familiar with. Sorry if this is TMI for the male readers of the blog --- of course - they're probably not reading the comments! :)

Suzanne said...

On a complete side note.....
I want to be first in line to give Miss Eve a piece of my mind! :)