Friday, January 20, 2006


I am really glad today is friday! I needed it to be friday!

Something to look forward to....Feb 12th Extreme Home Makeover will air and feature the story from Blacksburg! It is sweeps week and it will be a 2 hour special! For those of you who don't know...My brother and sister in law live in Blacksburg AND they helped in the house!!!

I went to the place Dinnermyway today! I will tell you how the food tastes when we eat them! Let me just say I got 6 meals that feed 6 people for $105. That is $17.50/meal! That is waaaay cheaper than eating out!

Our menu:
Braise Brisket!
Skillet Chicken Pasta
Chicken and black bean burritos
Chicken Parmesan
Cumin and lime roasted pork loin
Shrimp stir fry



erinlo said...

Amanda is doing that too, Ellyn! She and Jimmy said the meals are awesome. I hope ya'll enjoy.

Ellyn said...

i have heard! so is ramona! it was so much fun and tonight we had the chicken and black bean burritos! They were so good!

So far 1-0!

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

We have one of those type places here and I have been tempted to try it out. Maybe I will now! Enjoy your meals and I will keep the baby in my prayers.