Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Loss for words

This is going to be short. As Christians we need to do something, anything to help all those poor souls in Mississippi and Louisiana. Just watching the news is just heart-breaking! I believe that God can be glorified in all situations! Let's do it...let's glorify God and do something to help!

Our lives are like the destruction in Mississippi (is it MI or MS?) and LA. God is the only one who can bulldoz and the debris away and make it clean. It is our responsibility to pay it forward!

If I think of anything, I will let you know. Send money to the RedCross...give at your local church. I am sure that churches are going to be taking up collections.

Pray, these people need God and His comfort now more than ever.


Leann said...

Amen. I greatly agree!!

P.S. It's MS. MI is Michigan.

Josh Kellar said...

I totally agree. We are supposed to be getting 500 displaced people here in Abilene and I cannot wait to get involved. Hope things are going well!